
Thursday 10 February 2011

More 3D

 Still messing around with the features of 3D max, this time using control points to manipulate a box into a unique shape. More a chance to get used to the controls and possiblilities than a serious attempt at creating an object, here are a few random stages from along the way

At first the focus was on rounding the object, getting rid of the right angles and any evidence that it was once a box. With the front and sides extended it srted to look like a spaceship, which seems to be the default shape when messing around like this - everything ends up looking like a shaceship.

 Having done this I decided to actively try and make a spaceship, with mixed results.

At this stage I was still working with 3x3x3 points, which was very limiting. The way I had manipulated them at the beginning meant that at this point there were only a few movable points at the back of the object, meaning there was only so much more the shape could be adjusted.

 It was around this time I started to realise that the shape resembled a kind of stylised shark, perhaps a tiger shark, particularly around the front end.
I increased the number of control points and tried to extend the back into some kind of tail. Again I was only marginally successful.

While the shape ended up vaguely shark like, I was still unable to form a successful tail fin

At the end I am reasonably pleased with the results, and definitely gained some useful knowledge about manual moulding of a object. I will definitely some back to this shape as I learn more about what I am doing.

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